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Patriot Announces Addition To Flow Meter Product & Service Line


McCrommeter Meters bring expanded offering offers client more options.

As the demand for water data from the field has evolved from "nice to know" to "must have", Patriot is pleased to be on the leading edge of moving mission critical water information from the job site to the dashboard.

"The concept of 'delivering data for decision making' is what drives Patriot to continue to expand our field monitoring product & service technologies", explained Cody Smithson, CEO of Patriot Environmental. " We made an investment into the concept just over a year ago and continue to be impressed at what we can now offer our clients who want to leverage up-to-the-minute information about their water assets".

Cody went on to explain that the decision to expand the line of flow meters was all about giving current and future customers more options.

"We looked at the marketplace and realized there was room for another brand in our line-up of meters" added Alan Gatz, Director of Asset Mapping & Monitoring Services for Patriot, "Adding the McCrommeter line of mag-meters and having them seamlessly integrate to our current monitoring systems helped us realize that goal."

The McCrommeter Dura Mag & Ultra Mag line of meters come in a range of 2" to 48" and can be configured as a stand-alone or connected to the Patriot Monitoring Platform for instant alerts and historical data reporting.

Patriot offers a full line of water asset mapping and monitoring services including, frac pond volumetric scan/mapping, pond level/volume reporting, water quality data alerts and flow meter monitoring solutions all connected to an easy-to-use water dashboard for PC, tablets or Smartphones.

For more information give or contact Patriot at 405.788.0203

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