Recent Liner & Pit Construction Projects

What we do
Liners & Pits
Patriot can handle any and all aspects of your impoundment development projects. From complete design and build to lining and securing of assets, we offer single source solutions custom to your needs.
Just a few of the many solutions we bring to the industry include:
Containment construction, geosynthetic lining & repairs
Single & multi-layer liner solutions
Enhanced pond aeration & leak detection options
Asset mapping & monitoring technology
Erosion control & security fencing / gates

Solutions we offer
Liners & Pits
We offer a wide variety of fluid barrier and containment solutions in support of oil & gas drilling, completions & hydraulic fracturing, water treatment/recycling and more.
Here are just a few examples of solutions we deliver to the market on a daily basis:
Freshwater frac ponds
Produced water pits
Water treatment, recycle & reuse facilities
Industrial waste water & evaporation ponds
National distributor of multiple geosynthetic liner products

Why we're different
Liners & Pits

Our owners, managers & crews draw upon years of real world and industry expertise to provide custom solutions for your fluid impoundments.
Just a few of the reasons you can count on the Patriot difference:
Decades of direct geosynthetic liner experience
Well trained management, crew leads & field teams
Unsurpassed QA/QC tracking & reporting process
Innovators in industry tooling & technologies
Stellar safety record and complete certifications

Our owners, managers & crews draw upon years of real world and industry expertise to provide affordable custom solutions for your fluid impoundments.
Just a few of the reasons you can count on the Patriot difference:
Decades of direct geosynthetic liner experience
Well trained management, crew leads & field teams
Unsurpassed QA/QC tracking & reporting process
Innovators in industry tooling & technologies
Stellar safety record and complete certifications
Our owners, managers & crews draw upon years of real world and industry expertise to provide affordable custom solutions for your fluid impoundments.
Just a few of the reasons you can count on the Patriot difference:
Decades of direct geosynthetic liner experience
Well trained management, crew leads & field teams
Unsurpassed QA/QC tracking & reporting process
Innovators in industry tooling & technologies
Stellar safety record and complete certifications

Geosynthetic Liners
& Pit Construction