
Markets & Industries
Patriot Environmental provides a wide variety of services to markets & industries across the country.
Browse this page to learn more about our diverse offering.

Oil & Gas
The Exploration & Production market in the energy industry is where it all began for us. Patriot is a premium provider of innovative solutions to serve the drilling, hydraulic fracturing, water recycling, fluid storage, secondary containment and critical asset mapping & monitoring.
Frac ponds & produced water pits
Geosynthetic liners
Drilling reserve pits
Secondary containments
Asset mapping & monitoring
Solid Waste & Landfill

Patriot can help landfill owners and operators comply with safe management and containment of solid and non-solid waste requirements as mandated by the Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) enacted in 1976.
Our expert team understands the specific regulations for the management of solid waste found in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) parts 239 through 282. The best system is only as good as the installation allows it to be.
Landfill site construction
Sub-title D non-hazardous sites
Temporary closures
Long-term closures
Compliance maintenance & monitoring
Power Generation

Coal combustion residuals (CCR), also referred to as coal ash, is created when coal is burned from fossil fuel power plants to generate electricity.
The EPA has enacted rules requiring the application of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) to the disposal of CCR in certain inactive surface impoundments. This regulation prescribes closure standards for CCR sites . Additionally, CCR sites may require base liner systems, in some cases utilizing geosynthetic liner systems to prevent contaminants in CCRs from leaching from the site into the groundwater.
Coal Ash Residual Containment
Residual Landfills
Geosynthetic Base Liners
Closure Systems
Effluent Discharge Containment
Freshwater & Ag

Our clients ranging from ranchers & farmers to municipalities, site owners and general contractors, all demand quality and a quick and responsive installation. Patriot has the experience and expertise to meet requirements and execute projects safely, on-time and on budget.
We are certified installers for the industry’s best manufacturers of High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) and Polypropylene (PP) geomembranes, and have years of experience and project references for these applications.
Fish hatcheries
Irrigation solutions
Retention basins
Water reservoirs & canals
Evaporation ponds
Mining & Tailings

Patriot Environmental is a leading provider of geosynthetic materials and installation services to this industry. Geosynthetic liner systems play an important role in the mining industry for the containment of liquids used during the mining process. These liner systems are used in this industry to contain mine leachates and prevent them from entering the groundwater. We can also provide and install HDPE pipe systems used for liquid collection and transportation.
Process solution & evaporation ponds
Heap leach pad liners
Tailing impoundment systems
Ground & erosion control
Remediation of mine tailings